Friday, 7 January 2011

Archive - Meetings Bulletin December 2010


1. Orghogeriatric Care NHS (09)
Anantha K Raghupathi (CT2 Orthopaedic trainee) and Mr.Swaminathan from Tameside General Hospital would like to survey regarding the Orthogeriatric care provided in NHS Orthopaedic units throughout UK. Aim of this survey is to assess the effectiveness of Joint Orthogeriatric care in providing quality treatment to patients and to look for improvements. National Hip fracture database published in 2009 in accordance with British Geriatric Society and BOA has recommended that orthogeriatric care should be provided for routine preop assessment and post op care five days a week. On call medical team should provide assessments during weekends and holidays. Best Practice tariff indicators from Department of Health published in BGS ( June 2010) states that 1.Hip fracture patients should be admitted under joint Consultant Orthogeriatric care. 2. assessed by a Geriatrician in the preoperative period and 3. Postop Geriatrician led rehab team and fracture prevention assessments. I would be grateful if you could spare a few minutes in completing the online anonymous survey.

2.  Hip Fractures and the rationale behind the chosen methods (10)
 Mr Alan Middleton would like to gain an idea of the current practice of colleagues with regards to hip fractures and the rationale behind their chosen methods.

3. Evaluating knee microfracture practice in the UK compared to practice in Canada.

4. NEW Head Injury
 Please complete the survey only if patients with Head injuries requiring inpatient observation are admitted under your care. This is a simple survey which will take less than one minute to complete
This is to gain information about the attitudes of orthopaedic consultants regarding their training and competence in the assessment, management and onward referral of the patients with head injuries. This is entirely non-commercial and for information purposes as part of a study.

5. NEW Blood Transfusion - Catherine Gerrard
I am an anaesthetic registrar in the Mersey Region and I am conducting a survey into the current practices and opinions regarding consent for blood transfusion.  I am also assessing the quality of information that is given to patients about the indications, likelihood and risks of having a blood transfusion. There is little published data
available on this topic and those articles that are available suggest that a more formal, national consent process may soon come into force.  I believe that if I can collate enough data from those who most frequently transfuse blood to their patients, we can inform any future discussions regarding formal consent process.
I would greatly appreciate if you could spare a few moments to answer my questions by following the link will only take a couple of minutes!

6. NEW Hip Fractures - extramedullary implant
 We want to understand your decision-making criteria when considering the use of an extramedullary implant (dynamic hip screw, ect) or intramedullary hip nail (PFN, Gamma nail, ect) for extracapsular hip fractures. 
To start this survey, please use the following link:


Oswestry Intensive Course in Basic Science in Orthopedics 9-14 January 2011 The Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Hospital
Course Dinner, Basic Science for FRCS (T&O) Book £55, and Orthopaedic Classifications & Radiological Measurements Book (£40)
This intensive course covers basic science in orthopedics and is aimed at all levels of trainees.   Topics covered include:- Biomechanics, Biomaterials, Bone & Cartilage Biology, Bone Tumours & Pathology, Metabolic Bone Disease, Fracture Healing , Microbiology, Neurophysiology, Orthotics & Prosthetics, Principles of Radiological Investigation, Statistics, Tutorial sessions
Course Fee £940 (includes all refreshments,
For details contact Alison Whitelaw Tel 01691 404661 at or email
Technical Tips and Error Avoidance in Spinal Surgery (TTEASS) Course – Royal College of Surgeons -Edward Lumley Hall, Lecture Theatre and the state-of-the-art Wolfson Surgical Skills Centre. - 12 January 2011.

FRCS (Orth) Intensive Revision Course: Clinical Examination & Viva Skills 13-14 January 2011 – University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire
This is an intensive, hands-on revision course primarily aimed at clinical examination skills but also to include an afternoon of viva skills. There will be a maximum of 12 candidates to allow a high teacher/trainee ratio. Early application is advisable as preference will be given to candidates taking the clinical exam at the next sitting.
The cost of the two day course is £395.For more details please contact Elaine Blair on 02476 968636 or write to Course conveners:  Mr Matt Costa and Mr Nilam Shergill

Evidence Based Musculoskeletal Care: Managing Lower Limb Pain – 17-21 January 2011
Click here to connect the website   Evidence Based Musculoskeletal Care: Managing Lower Limb Pain

The First Combined Meeting of British Limb Reconstruction Society & British Society for Children’s Orthopaedic Surgery - 26, 27 & 28 January 2011 - Medical Education Centre, Northern General Hospital, Sheffield
BLRS Meeting will take place 26 & 27 January and the combined meeting on 28th January 2011.
The meeting is being hosted by Mr James A Fernandes FRCS & Mr Mark J Flowers FRCS, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeons, Sheffield Children’s Hospital & Mr Simon Royston FRCS, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Northern General Hospital, Sheffield.
International faculty include, Dr J-M Guichet MD,France; Prof Gamal Hosny MD, Egypt; Dr Dror Paley MD, USA; Prof Peter Stevens MD, USA; Dr Kevin Tetsworth MD, Australia and national faculty
Contact Louise O’Carroll FitzPatrick, ethos conference consultants, 15 High Street, Balsham, Cambridge CB21 4DJ T: 01223 893889 M: 07778 321824 E:


BASS – British Association for Spinal Surgeons in Edinburgh 2-4 February 2011
Two-day scientific meeting Details and further information can be found at or contact BASS at telephone 020 7406 1763
Basic Fracture Management - 14th – 16th February 2011 – Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
This three day course will emphasise on the principals and pitfalls of fracture management, including hands-on experience of lower and upper limb casting techniques.
This course is suitable for Surgical Trainees (CT1 – CT3), Orthopaedic Technicians and Nurses.
Registration Fee: £450 Fees are inclusive of all course material, refreshments & course dinner
For further information please contact the Education Centre Tel. 020 8909 5326 / email : courses@rnoh.nhs.uK or visit our website

Hip Replacement Conference – 16 February 2011 – Manchester Conference Centre, Manchester
Conference home page:
Register interest: 

MARCH 2011

Basic Sciences for Orthopaedics FRCS 28th February – 2nd March 2011 – Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
This course is aimed at SpRs taking their exam in May 2011 and will cover the essential topics required for Basic Sciences for FRCS (Orth).
Topics Covered Biomechanics, Biomaterials, Bone & Cartilage Biology, Bone Tumours & Pathology, Calcium Metabolism, Statistics Fracture Healing, Microbiology, Orthotics & Prosthetics, Principles of Radiological Investigation, NeurophysiologyIncluding Vivas, MCQs, X-Ray, Pathology & Orthotics Quiz
Registration Fee: £500 Lecture & Vivas; £400 Lectures only. Fees are inclusive of all course material, lunches & refreshments
For further information please contact the Education Centre Tel. 020 8909 5326 / email : courses@rnoh.nhs.uK or visit our website

NEW Tibia Masterclass - Nail, Plate, Ilizarov: The unsolved problem 9 - 10 March 2011
This popular two-day course will provide a comprehensive and contemporary overview of the relative merits of alternative methods of management of acute tibial fractures, non-union, infection and mal-union
Learning Objectives By the end of this course participants will be able to:
make a logical and informed treatment plan for the full range of tibial fractures and their consequences, justify the treatment plan on the basis of evidence in literature; and apply the basic science principles for the various treatment options.
This course is suitable for all trainees especially senior trainees preparing for FRCS (Trauma & Orth) and new consultants developing their trauma interest and update for senior consultants. Organised by Royal college of Surgeons, London contact - Tel. -  020 7869 6300
Email:  The Royal College of Surgeons of England 35-43 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3PE,

Basic Knee Arthroplasty Course - 10th – 11th March 2011 – Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
Knee replacement surgery is challenging and poor technique is the commonest cause of poor outcome.  We aim to provide the basis of knowledge and skills required to produce reliably good results in knee replacement. This 2-day course is aimed at Surgeons in Training.
Topics Covered: Patient Selection/Indications TKR, Ligamentous Balancing, Rotational Alignment, Bony Cuts, Medial & Lateral Release Complications, Surgical Approaches -   Medial, Lateral & Extensive, Prosthetic Selection – PCL Sparing vs. Sacrificing.  Workshop: PFC Total Knee Arthroplasty; Kinemax Total Knee Arthroplasty.
Registration Fee: £450 Fees are inclusive of all course material, lunches & refreshments
For further information please contact the Education Centre Tel. 020 8909 5326 / email : courses@rnoh.nhs.uK or visit our website
The Annual London Imperial Spine Course – 9-11 March 2011 – Royal Collect of Surgeons London
Information about the course can be found on the website:

Evidence Based Musculoskeletal Care: Managing Upper Lib Pain 14-18 March 2011
Click here to connect the website   Evidence Based Musculoskeletal Care: Managing Upper Limb Pain

12th International Phillip Zorab Symposium: 16th-18th March 2011 – Royal College of Surgeons London 
The Phillip Zorab Symposia have occurred periodically since 1965 for all clinicians and scientists with an interest in scoliosis aetiology and developing new treatments.
We are interested in any submission that enhances our knowledge of scoliosis; accepted papers to be presented as a poster or podium presentation. We are particularly interested in submissions relating to these topics:• Thoracic deformity and respiratory development – Clinical interventions in the growing child• Presentation of Cotrel phenotypes of scoliosis • Directions and objectives of genetic research • Neurosensory findings – vestibular abnormalities in scoliosis • what makes us grow straight? The science of human post-natal spine growth
For further information: telephone: 020 8960 7110 e-mail: visit:
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS Vanessa and Lorena Pessu © Lichfield Studios SUBMISSION DATE: 30TH


The Essentials of External Fixators - 23rd – 24th March 2011 – Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
This 2 day course will develop your skills in frame selection and application for the management of simple and complex problems of the lower limbs. Aimed at Core Surgical Trainees (CT1 – CT3) and Higher Surgical Trainees ST3 & ST4.
Lecture Topics Include Biomechanics of external fixators, Management of open fractures, Tibial shaft fractures, Peri-articular fractures, Distal radius fractures - bridging and non-bridging, Principles of distraction osteogenesis, Management of open fractures,
Workshops Include Pins & Wires, Rings & Rods (mono-lateral & circular components), Application of a fixator for tibial shaft fractures, Bridging external fixation – ankle & knee, Distal radius fractures, Application of a fixator for pelvic fractures
Registration Fee: £300 Fees are inclusive of all course material, lunches & refreshments
For further information please contact the Education Centre Tel. 020 8909 5326 / email : courses@rnoh.nhs.uK or visit our website

APRIL 2011

NEW Fourth Shoulder Trauma Symposium - Fractures. Friday April 1st 2011.
Leicester, Walkers Stadium.
A one day course on the management of primary fractures of the shoulder titled "Get it right first time". Experts from UK and abroad give their ways of managing primary fractures. Course includes interactive lectures, tips and tricks on managing problems, sawbone workshops and opportunities for discussion and to discuss your own difficult cases.
For further details contact: Elaine James, Unit Administrator, Department of Health Sciences, Division of Orthopaedic Surgery, Leicester General Hospital, Leicester LE5 4PW, Tel:  0116 2584702, Email:

BASK – British Association for Surgery of the Knee in Cardiff, 6-7 April 2011
Two-day scientific Knee meeting with free paper sessions and guest speakers, hosted by the Cardiff meeting committee Mr R Morgan-Jones, Mr D Pemberton, Mr A Chandratreya & the BASK executive committee. Call for Abstracts will open on 1st July 2010.
Abstract submission, further Meeting details and the Social Programme can be found at contact BASK at or telephone 020 7406 1763

IMUKA 2011, Masterclass in Arthroscopy and Related Surgery -  20, 21 & 22 April 2011 - Maastricht Exhibition & Conference Centre (MECC) Maastricht, the Netherlands
Website: E-mail:

NEW 1st UK Miller FRCS Course, Eynsham Hall, Oxford. 13-17th April 2011
There will be an expert faculty guiding candidates through a full preparation for the FRCS (Tr & Orth) exam over 4 days plus an optional 5th day. See for more details.

MAY 2011

NEW The Charnley Centennial Meeting - 100 Tips and Tricks in Orthopaedics
16th - 20th May 2011 Venue: Wrightington Hospital
5 days – 10 speakers each day - 100 tips a day !!!
ALSO - Revision FRCS (Orth) sessions by examiners
All aspects of Adult Orthopaedics will be covered (except spine)
 Main Room all day
(aimed at  Surgeons) Parallel Room all day
(PAM’s / FRCS Orth Exam )
Monday 16th Hips  Arthroplasty care practioners
Tuesday 17th Knees FRCS (Orth) Revision (2-days)
Wednesday 18th Foot and Ankle
Thursday 19th Hand And Wrist Hand Therapists
Friday 20th Shoulder & Elbow Shoulder physiotherapists
Websites: (Education), (Our hospitals, Wrightington, Forthcoming Courses)
Enquiries: Mavis Luya, Upper Limb Research, Telephone: +44 (0) 1257 256248
Email: or

JUNE 2011

2nd UK deformity Planning course, 27 - 29 June 2011 Ramada Jarvis Hotel, Hull
A three day course teaching the principles of deformity correction by clinical, radiological analysis and application of appropriate osteotomy techniques and fixation methods
Aims and Objectives
At the end of the course the participants will understand the principles of deformity analysis and deformity correction and be able to apply their understanding to clinical practice
Intended Participants                   
Consultants Treating Children and Adults with Limb Deformity, Consultants Treating Lower Limb Trauma and its Sequelae, Senior Trainees
Course Administrator
Louise O’Carroll FitzPatrick, ethos conference consultants, 15 High Street, Balsham, Cambs CB21 4DJ Telephone: 01223 893889 Mobile: 07778 321824 
Email : Organised by - British Limb Reconstruction society

Evidence Based Musculoskeletal Care: Managing Back Pain – 27 June – 01 July 2011
Click here to connect the website   Evidence Based Musculoskeletal Care: Managing Back Pain

NEW South Yorkshire Stryker Fracture Neck of Femur Course- 17th June 2011 - Postgraduate Medical Education Centre, Rotherham General Hospital
An intensive course designed for Orthopaedic Surgeons who wish to extend their knowledge of the practical approaches to the management of fractures of the proximal femur. This course will offer a comprehensive overview of the classification systems, risk factors, management, complications, prognosis and epidemiology of fracture neck of femur. Hands-on instruction in the use of Stryker implants for the fractures involving the proximal femur will be provided to the delegates. There will be guest lectures and the day is divided into sessions, and each session will involve a lecture on the indications, surgical approach and technique followed by a saw bone workshop.  Delegates are encouraged to share their experiences of these challenging injuries. Cost: £75.00 (includes refreshments, lunch and course dinner). For further information and registration, please contact the Education Centre- Email:; Tel: 01709304543; Fax: 01709830740.

NEW The Royal Bolton Trauma Course, For: ST1-5, CT’s and Clinical Fellows in Trauma and Orthopaedics Friday 17th June 2011 £100
The Royal Bolton is one of the busiest trauma units in the North-West of England. The department consists of 10 full time consultants and manages approximately 2000 trauma cases per year, having 14 trauma lists a week. There has been long tradition in practical trauma training for trainees in the unit.
The course covers the most common trauma procedures with an emphasis on safe practice. Benefit from the experience of the senior faculty with advice on how to do things and most importantly how not do it! The format is interactive with plenty of opportunity to discuss your own experiences and ask the questions you may not have been able to ask at work and saw bone workshops. There is a high faculty to participant ratio with places strictly limited.

JULY 2011

3rd International Trade Fair for Innovative Medical Technology viz. MEDITEC CLINIKA - 2nd to 4th July 2011 at the Palace Grounds, Bengaluru (Bangalore)
 MEDITEC CLINIKA is an indispensable platform to showcase emerging medical technologies and top-of-the-line medical and healthcare equipment in India. Its international appeal lies in the fact that MEDITEC CLINIKA has consistently attracted many overseas exhibitors and visitors in addition to top Indian manufacturers, suppliers and key decision makers from the medical fraternity. Moreover, the interactive sessions with renowned international speakers at its conferences provide key insights to the current and future global trends in medical technology.
In view of the above, we invite you to country partner / co- host/sponsor /online partner/Media Partner/Exhibitor at  MEDITEC CLINIKA 2011 along with us.  Your association members too could benefit by exhibiting at this international event and meet Quality Visitors under one roof.
Note: You can be country partner If 30% - 40% of the exhibitors are from your country
The immense exposure to the cream of the medical and healthcare industries by way of sustained promotional and branding activities, would go a long way in generating goodwill and enhance future prospects.
 Participants book before 31st December 2011 get Early Bird Discount. Kindly forward this mail to all the persons who is related to it
Web : / / / / / / /


SICOT 2011 XXV Triennial World Congress – 6-9 September 2011 Prague, Czech Republic
For more information, please visit  


Combined Australia/New Zealand Orthopaedic Associations Scientific Meeting – 9 -14 October 2011 - Rotorua – New Zealnd
Registration and call for abstracts are now open at This website also offers information on rugby packages and NZ travel information. Early accommodation bookings are essential and are included in the registration process


Engineers and Surgeons: Joined at the Hip III Conference, Royal College of Surgeons – 01/03 November 2011
This 2.5 day conference is organized by the Engineering in Medicine and Health Division at the Royal College of Surgeons. Call for Abstracts opens 01 September2010 Abstracts Deadline: 01 March 2011.  Call for Papers deadline 30 March 2011 For further information:

NEW South Yorkshire Acumed Upper Limb Fracture Fixation Course for Theatre Staff - 24th November 2011 - Postgraduate Medical Education Centre, Rotherham General Hospital
Instruction in the use of pre-contoured, indication specific Acumed implants for fractures involving the hand, wrist, elbow, humerus and clavicle. This “Indication- Specific Upper Limb Fracture Fixation Course” is designed for Orthopaedic Theatre Scrub Staff, with some trauma surgery experience and who wish to extend their knowledge of the practical approaches to the fractures involving the hand, wrist, elbow, humerus and clavicle, and gain exposure to the Acumed Osteosynthesis systems. The day is aimed at instructing techniques of upper limb fracture surgery using site-specific, locking, anatomically shaped implants.  The day is divided into five sections: introduction to fractures, hand and wrist, elbow, humerus and clavicle.  Each session will involve a lecture on the indications, surgical approach and technique followed by a saw bone workshop. Cost: Free.  For further information and registration, please contact the Education Centre- Email:; Tel: 01709304543; Fax: 01709830740.

NEW South Yorkshire Acumed Upper Limb Fracture Fixation Course - 25th November 2011 - Postgraduate Medical Education Centre, Rotherham General Hospital
This “Indication- Specific Upper Limb Fracture Fixation Course” is designed for Orthopaedic Surgeons who have some trauma surgery experience and wish to extend their knowledge of the practical approaches to the fractures involving the hand, wrist, elbow, humerus and clavicle, and gain exposure to the Acumed Osteosynthesis systems. The day is aimed at instructing techniques of upper limb fracture surgery using site-specific, locking, anatomically shaped implants.  The day is divided into four sections: hand and wrist, elbow, humerus and clavicle.  Each session will involve a lecture on the indications, surgical approach and technique followed by a saw bone workshop.  Delegates are encouraged to share their experiences of these challenging injuries. Cost: £100.00 (includes refreshments, lunch and course dinner). For further information and registration, please contact the Education Centre- Email:; Tel: 01709304543; Fax: 01709830740.


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